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KSF Space Members

The KSF Space Foundation is steered by a professional members & board of directors (first officers) with notable achievements in science, engineering, space and aviation industries. The Board of Directors and committee members are all volunteers. The first officers of the board of directors, along with the Chairman, oversee and manage three committees:

Board Members

Dr Kayyali Mohamed


Prof.Sunny Narayanan

Research Officer

Erwin te Beek

Engineer Officer

Prof. Mohamed Essaidi

Conference Officer

Jacob Wade

NEP Officer

Dr.Jayakumar Venkatesan

Technical Officer

Prof. Brian Kaplinger

JUPITER Rocket officer


Fayad M Khatib

USA officer
Jawad Al Attari, Lunar committee mission, Canada
Prof.Hanan Malkawi, Yarmok University,Jordan
Robert Silva,Venezuela
Esteban Corredor, Venezuela
Lorenzo Feruglio - Politecnico di Torino , NASA & MIT, Italy
Flemming Kaarby-Koch - VP GomSpace Asia, Singapore
Robert Bernard, KSF Space, USA
Anuj Bhatia - SpaceX, USA
Maciej Grybko, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Prince Josep- Air Force R&D Univ Suny @ Buffalo, USA
Stuart Lindsey - Aerospace CAA - UK
Mohammad Edaibat -Space Systems - Johns Hopkins University, USA
Kamel Benfodda KSF Space member - Germany
Elmaati Mansouri - Satellite Expert KSF Space
Martina Mammarella Aerospace Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Ian Stammers,Space recruitment, USA
Andrew Aldrin, Aldrin Space Foundation,USA
Robert Bernard, KSF Space R&D Officer , California
Robert O'keeffe, ,
James Matsey - Colorado State University, USA
Mohammas Essaaidi - Dean ENSIAS
Paolo Ius - NASA JPL,US- ksf space ,Italy
Mohammed Mohssine, NanoTech - KSF Space
Ahmed EL KHADIM - Geospatial INPT
Flemming Kaarby-Koch - VP GomSpace Asia, Singapore
James White - Technetics Aerospac ,KSF Space, USA
Raffaele Mozzillo - Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Cristiano Pizzamiglio - Politecnico di Torino Aerospace, KSF space Italy
Kenji Yamamoto - Aerospace Cal Poly, Italy
Jennifer Wincher - KSF Space - Media & Press, USA
Christopher Andrea - Aerospace Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Rebecca Foster,KSF Space, UK
Katerina Nikolaou, KSF Space Media, Greece
Sruthy Sasi - German Space Center - KSF Space, Germany
Carolina Mieldazis Cal Poly & University Brasilia, Brasil
Laura Samsó- Centurion Technologies- Aeropace, Spain
Virgilio Antonio Villagrán - AT&T, USA
Ehab Raslan - NANSC Ministry of Civil Aviation -Egypt
Davide Carabellese - Universidad de Torino,KSF Space, Italy
Hardeep Zinta - Aerospace - Moscow Instittute of Physics and Technology, Russia

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